실시간예약 / Online Reservation
실시간예약을 하시고 은행 송금하시는 손님에게 10%의 할인혜택을 드립니다. 1.예약과 송금: (Reservation & Payment) - 예약을 하신 후 2시간 이내, 늦어도 당일날 송금하셔야 예약이 완성됩니다. 아무 연락이 없으시면 자동 취소됩니다. - After your payment, reservations is confirmed. (2 hours or less during the day of booking). If you do not check payment without any verification, your booking be canceled. 2.송금계좌(Bank Account) - 농협 301-2523-0065-91 예금주(김쌍녀) - ☎ 051-757-9659, 010-9855-9659 3.예약자 이름으로 송금해 주세요.(Notice) Please, depositor's name is the same name as the reservation. If depositor's name and name of reservation are different, please leave me a comment or sms 4.환불정책(Refund Policy) 도착날 3일전취소(3 days prior to cancellation): 100% refund 도착날 2일전 취소(1~2 days prior to cancellation): 50% refund 도착날 당일취소(on the day or the day before to cence)l : non-refundable |